
From Our VP of Product: Neto Platform Roadmap Updates

I'm Brandon, I head up the Product Team here at Neto and I wanted to share a quick update on what the Neto team is currently working on.

Over the past few months we’ve announced and delivered a range of new integrations and product initiatives to make Neto more robust and easier to use. Much of this has come from the ideas submitted via our Ideas Portal and input into our surveys, and I want to thank you for taking the time to give us your feedback, we couldn't do it without you.

So what's next? Neto 6.15.

Amazon Australia

In my last email, I talked about what the next steps for Amazon Australia look like. In 6.15, which we hope to release this month, we plan on delivering the following functionality:

Once 6.15 is released, we have a bunch of other new features that we're really excited for you to get your hands on.



We’re working hard on the ability to register products with Amazon that do not yet exist in the Amazon Australia catalogue, which will allow you to:

You'll be able to map your Neto categories to Amazon Australia categories.
You'll be able to map your Neto product fields to Amazon Australia fields.

*Interface subject to change.

New Marketplaces

While working on Amazon Australia we've built a robust and customisable marketplace engine which, as it matures, will allow us to quickly integrate with new marketplaces and more easily expand and maintain them.

Following on from the Amazon features outlined above, next we'll roll out our integration with Catch.


Managed Checkout and Payments

Neto Managed Checkout is Neto's default checkout which provides easy access to up-to-date payment methods such as eWAY, Stripe, Braintree, ZipPay and AfterPay. Here's what's new:

Once testing of Managed Checkout is complete, it will be rolled out to merchants using Managed Checkout and will be optional for all others. We hope to add support for more international carriers and make the checkout more customisable over the coming months.

The Managed Checkout design currently being tested.

Neto Inventory

Recently, many of our customers participated in a prioritisation survey to help us develop the roadmap for Neto Inventory. Thanks to everyone who submitted ideas and suggestions; we encourage you to continue to do so to help bring the best ideas forward!

As we finalise the roadmap, our current focus is on the following functionality:

Once scanning is completed, the next major features we are considering for the roadmap include:

Neto Point of Sale (POS)

We also conducted a recent survey to help prioritise features for Neto POS, which we will be adding to our roadmap shortly (stay tuned).

These are the next features to be released:

And we are currently working on:

Purchase and redeem gift vouchers within POS.
View stock levels and incoming quantity across locations and arrival dates (as per your open purchase orders).


Finally, we are updating our financial integrations which will open our platform up to more accounting/ERP solutions and eventually make Neto Inventory compatible with these integrations.

That's it from me. I realise it's quite a lengthy post, but it's important to us to be transparent about our future plans and vision for the platform to assist you with your business planning. I strongly encourage you to continue collaborating with the Neto team, participating in surveys and submitting ideas via the Ideas Portal.